
My name is Emma. Alma 37:6 says, by small and simple things are great things brought to pass. My conversion process started with being invited to dinner at some friends' houses. I started going to dinner relatively regularly, 'cause they're very good cooks, and I'm easy to please. He came to dinner. He just kept coming to dinner. I wanted to invite him to church. I wanted to find a reason to invite him to church, so as I asked the bishop, hey, can I speak? It'd be really great. I'd like to invite some friends. And then their daughter gave a talk at church, so I was invited to that. And I'm not going to skip out on one of my friends, so I went to the talk. And I start getting Sundays off. I started to go to church every Sunday. Kept coming to church. I invited him again. He kept coming. He got baptized after taking the missionary discussions. It was the best decision I've made in my life so far. I've really gotten to know him as a person, and I've really seen him change as a person. There's this brightness with him, you know? And him having the gospel and having the Holy Ghost with him all the time has really, I've noticed, made a difference in his life. From where I was a year ago to where I am now-- I couldn't have made the changes that I've made without the gospel. Alma 37:6 says, by small and simple things are great things brought to pass. This applies to this situation, because it all started with dinner. And food, basically. Then I just invited him to church, which is also another very small and simple thing to do. He was baptized because of that. It's going to be great for me, because I'm the first member of the Church in my family. So I'm hoping to be the first branch. I want to be the root system. First, I'm going to go on a mission.

I'm really excited about that. I'm the first member in my family, so I'll also be the first missionary in my family. But I won't be the last by any means. We all have friends who aren't members of the Church. That's part of living in this day and age. But we all love the gospel, and we all want to share it. And it's not a hard thing to do. A lot of the time, it's made out to be something really scary, and it takes too much courage. And the simple things-- come to dinner, come to church with me, or come to youth night with me. It's an easy thing to do. And sometimes you don't know how to say it, but that's when the Holy Ghost comes in and helps you. I believe because I can see Heavenly Father's hand in my life every day. If you love what you know, share it.

By Small and Simple Things: Sharing the Gospel

Emma invited a friend to dinner, and this small act led to the friend’s conversion.

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