
[MUSIC BEGINS] The voice of God has spoken to our hearts. Thou art my son; in my work you have a part. With humble faith and hand upon the rod, we seek His will and serve the living God.

We will learn our duty by His prophet's word. We will act to build His kingdom in our youth. We will share His message 'til He comes again. Rise up, my sons, and become priesthood men.

With every step we follow men of Christ, examples true who walked within His light. Then armed with priesthood power we assail. Sure and true His work will never fail.

We will learn our duty by His prophet's word. We will act to build His kingdom in our youth. We will share His message 'til He comes again. Rise up, my sons, and become priesthood men of promise, men of truth, men who follow Him while in their youth. Men of power, men of light, priesthood men of Christ! Of Christ! We will learn our duty by His prophet's word. We will act to build His kingdom in our youth. We will share His message 'til He comes again. Rise up, my sons, and become priesthood men. My sons, be men, my sons, be men, my sons, be men!

Priesthood Men: Young Men Song

The “Priesthood Men" song celebrates each young man’s part in God’s plan and encourages him to rise up as a son of God and follow His teachings.

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