
Young men of the Church, God has given you the holy priesthood. He has a work for each of you to do now. Continue to learn your duty to God. Act in all diligence. And share your testimony often. As you seek to be anxiously engaged in this work, you will do great things and bless many lives. You'll be happier, and you'll be protected against temptation. You will become a faithful priesthood man. During the past year, you have learned your work requires you to be strong and of a good courage. The mutual theme for 2011 is the 13th article of faith. It begins with the words "we believe." Our faith in Jesus Christ inspires us to do good to all men, to seek after righteous things, and to become men of integrity, purity, and charity. Courage and strength come through faith in Jesus Christ. Let me tell you about someone I knew when I was a young man living in Brazil. Paulo Pires had great courage as a young man. He was invited to come unto Christ. And he was baptized when he was only 12 years old, even though no one else in his family wanted anything to do with the Church. Paulo Pires and I were fellow deacons in San Paulo, Brazil, many years ago. He has been and always will be a special brother to me. He represents so many of you who are exercising great faith in your youth. Paulo learned about the principles found in the 13th article of faith. He believed the gospel message when he heard it, and attended church faithfully. He was ordained a deacon. He was strengthened by his leaders, quorum members, and priesthood service. He endured many things that come to a young man who stands up for Christ at a young age. He became the deacons quorum president and grew with this and other opportunities to serve and do good to all men. He matured in the gospel and remained faithful. He sought for things that are virtuous, lovely, and praiseworthy. He eventually married and has been successful in providing for and raising his family. They have blessed many people throughout the years. Like Paulo Pires, your faith in Jesus Christ and the priesthood you bear will bless you and allow you to bless many people now and throughout your life.

I bear witness of the power of faith in Jesus Christ. As we come unto Him, He will empower us to become more honest, true, chaste, benevolent, and virtuous. He will inspire us to be charitable and enable us to do good to all men. He will strengthen us to be more believing, more hopeful, and more enduring. Under His influence, we will seek after things that are virtuous, lovely, of good report, and praiseworthy. As we come unto Him, we will fulfill our priesthood duties and invite others to come unto Him. I express my deep respect and love for you. I pray that the Lord will bless each of you to be a faithful priesthood man. I bear my testimony that Jesus Christ is our friend and our Redeemer. In the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Message from Brother David L. Beck

As a faithful priesthood holder, you can bless the lives of those around you; this is the message Brother David L. Beck shares with his story of a boyhood friend from São Paulo, Brazil.

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