
Hi, my name is Hyrum, and I live in Nauvoo, Illinois. My house is right on the Mississippi River. I like fishing and kayaking in the river. And I really like experimenting with different things. I want to make a kayak of my own, so my dad and I looked on the Internet about finding a kayak made out of plywood and fiberglass. Since we had never done fiberglass before, we decided to make a model first. Soon we will get busy on the real kayak. I'm also interested in rockets and airplanes. I wanted to make a rocket-powered airplane. So I got a Styrofoam glider and put a rocket motor on it. The first one went all crazy and blew off the tail of the airplane. I fixed the tail and put the motor on the bottom of the airplane. This time the plane just spun in one place. Finally I mounted the rocket motor on the tail of the plane, and it took off from the porch and went almost straight up. Another time I was launching a rocket in a farmer's field. When the nose cone came off to let the parachute out, it broke off and blew away. I thought we'd have to give up for the day, but I decided to try a piece of corn cob for the nose cone. It worked just fine. A few winters ago, I read about making maple syrup from sap of maple trees. In the summer, when the trees have leaves so you can tell the maples from the oaks, I put ribbon around seven maple trees. Then in the winter, when the sap runs in the trees, I drilled holes and put taps in the trees to collect the sap. I collected four gallons of sap. My mom boiled it down, and we made about one cup of very sweet maple syrup. My name is Hyrum, and I'm one in a million. [MUSIC PLAYING]


Hyrum, who lives near the Mississippi River in historic Nauvoo, shows his love of creating different projects.

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