
My name is Esther, and I live near Tiptree, in Essex, England. I have two younger sisters, Erica and Lydia. I like to read the scriptures in Primary. My name even comes from the scriptures. I was named after Queen Esther in the Old Testament. I like memorizing scriptures, and I'm working on memorizing all the Articles of Faith for Faith in God. I know how important prayer is. When I was two, I was diagnosed with cancer. After a lot of treatment, I got better. But then the cancer came back when I was five. I tried to be brave. I prayed with my family before my treatment, and the prayers comforted me and helped me be calm. Sometimes the nurses in the hospital asked me to talk with children who were having trouble with their treatment or taking their medicine. I'm glad I could be an example. Now I'm healthy, and I only go to the hospital for checkups. One time Erica and I prepared a special family home evening when another family came to share it with us. We made puppets and acted out the story of Jesus Christ's baptism. I read the story from the scriptures, and Erica moved the puppets. I know I can be a missionary and a good example even when I am young. My name is Esther, and I am one in a million.


When Esther from England had cancer, her bright perspective helped children who were ill.

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