
With thousands of units throughout the world, it would be nearly impossible to maintain the integrity of the policies, procedures, and programs of the Church without these handbooks, which are available to Church leaders everywhere in all the languages which you represent. Whether you've been a lifelong member of the Church or are a relatively new member, consult the handbook when you are uncertain about a policy or procedure. You may think you know how to handle a situation, but in fact you may be on the wrong track. There's safety in the handbooks. If you, as a leader, have a procedural question which is not answered by a thorough search of the handbook, check with the Office of the First Presidency rather than following a course of uncertainty. My brothers and sisters, whatever your current leadership calling is, the new handbooks will be a treasure to you. They'll be a blessing to you and to those you serve as you read them, understand them, and follow them. Such is my testimony to you, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Following the Handbook

President Monson encourages leaders to consult the handbooks regarding policies and procedures.

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