
On February 22nd, a magnitude-6.3 earthquake struck Christchurch, New Zealand, killing more than 150 people and causing more than $12 billion in damage. You see buildings around us falling, and the earthquake was still happening or the aftershocks were still going on. But I've seen the faces of the people that were running around around us. They had fear printed on their faces. On Tuesday at 1 o'clock, we were supposed to meet a woman. We later on found out that where we were supposed to meet her, in front of the cathedral in Christchurch, in the center of Christchurch, has actually been damaged really bad. Since the earthquake, the community and local LDS Church came together to give help to those in need. The first thing that happened when we were available to get to a shop, we bought gum boots, spades, gloves. And we've just been out kind of in amongst the suburbs, amongst the streets, being able just to help individuals and families with their houses at the moment. Local Church members also reached out with basic food, water, and shelter for those who needed it. We carry on because we have faith in Christ. We know that He lives. And we know that the adversity that we face in this life is a part of our Heavenly Father's plan. And all we need to do is look to our Heavenly Father and live. I have no doubt that there is a loving Heavenly Father who is watching over us. The challenges and the trials and the struggles that we go through in life will only strengthen us, strengthen our faith, knowing that we will see our families again. We will be with them again, that we will never lose them.

Christchurch Quake

Community members and members of the Church come together to rebuild after an earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand.

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