
[MUSIC PLAYING] Joseph, who was carried captive into Egypt, obtained this promise from the Lord.

"A seer will I raise up, and unto him will I give power to bring forth my word.

Out of weakness shall he be made strong.

His name shall be called Joseph, after the name of his father." I love the Prophet Joseph because he brings me closer to my Savior. He brings me closer to him because he restored the gospel of Jesus Christ to this earth.

Joseph Smith helped me to understand the importance of what Jesus Christ has done for me.

He opened the door for my complete understanding of who I am.

The Father knew Joseph by name. That's particularly powerful to me as a child of God, knowing that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ know me by name. And just like Joseph, maybe not as miraculously, but they'll answer my prayers as well.

"A seer shall I raise up. He shall do a work for his brethren that shall be of great worth." "There shall be no other name given whereby salvation can come unto the children of men. Only in and through the name of Christ, the Lord Omnipotent." Well, either Joseph Smith experienced what he said he experienced or it's a total fantasy. And the truth of whether he experienced it or not is in the Book of Mormon. It all comes together or falls apart based upon the truth in the Book of Mormon. Search the scriptures, search the revelations which we publish, and ask your Heavenly Father to manifest the truth unto you. He will answer by the power of His Holy Spirit. You will then know it yourselves and not of another.

Anyone who wants to know the truth can go to God in prayer. That's what I did. And it works. And I've seen it work in a hundred other people's lives. The Book of Mormon with the Bible gives me the whole picture. It explains every question I've ever had in terms of who I am, why I'm here, who Heavenly Father is, and just truly what the gospel of Jesus Christ is. God heard and answered the prayer of a young boy. Look what has come because of it. The gospel of Jesus Christ in its fulness has been restored to the earth-- every principle, every power of life and salvation. "A choice seer will I raise up. He shall do a work for his brethren. And he shall bring them to the knowledge of the covenants, which I have made with thy fathers." He restored the gospel of Jesus Christ to this earth, and that is good news. The thing which the Lord shall bring forth by his hand shall bring my people unto salvation.

A Seer Will I Raise Up

(JST, Genesis 50) Joseph Smith is prepared to bring to pass the restoration of the Gospel.

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