undefined undefined The Power and Authority of God

[INAUDIBLE] knew we must never let the great powers of the holy priesthood lie dormant in us. We are bound together in the greatest cause and the most sacred work in all the world. To exercise these great powers, we must be clean in thought and action. We must do nothing which would impair the full exercise of this transcendent power. Priesthood is the greatest power on the earth. Worlds were created by and through the priesthood. For us, priesthood power is the power and authority delegated by God to act in His name for the salvation of His children. Caring for others is the very essence of priesthood responsibility. It is the power to bless, to heal, and to administer the saving ordinances of the gospel.

The Power and Authority of God

(Exodus 28:1) President Faust explains the power of the priesthood and encourages priesthood holders to live worthily of its power.

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