
There is a familiar phrase, "to be in the world but not of the world." Our mortal existence is necessary to fulfill the plan of salvation. We must therefore live in this world but we must also resist the worldly influences that are ever before us. By choosing to be in His kingdom, we separate, not isolate, ourselves from the world. Our dress will be modest, our thoughts pure, our language clean. The movies and television we watch, the music we listen to, the books, magazines, and newspapers we read will be uplifting. We will choose friends who encourage our eternal goals. And we will treat ourselves with kindness and treat others with kindness. We will shun the vices of immorality, gambling, tobacco, liquor, and illicit drugs. Our Sunday activities will reflect the commandment of God to remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. We will follow the example of Jesus Christ in the way we treat others. We will live to be worthy to enter the house of the Lord.

Separating Ourselves from the World

(Numbers 6:1-21) Elder Hales teaches church members to be in the world but not of the world.

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