
Kelly, I want to congratulate you on your excellent test scores. They were some of the highest I've seen in my 30 years of teaching. Thank you. Well, have you heard anything about those fellowships you applied for? No, actually, I thought I would have heard by now. Well, you have a tremendous mind. Many women who have devoted their lives to research have made immense contributions, and I hope that you'll do the same. But I want to have a family too. Well, there'll be time for that later. Many corporations have a plan that lets you leave for a while to have a baby. But with your ability, you need to think about your career. You can influence a great number of people, more than just one or two kids who'll demand all your time.

Kelly, you have been blessed with many talents. As you develop these talents and faithfully teach your children, you will be an influence for good in your home and throughout the world. You'll have the opportunity to serve your fellowman and be a blessing to those you love.

I made it. I can't believe it, I made it! Shh! The media center's a quiet place. Made what? I was accepted at the university. You were? Yes! Great! Have you considered the multiplicity of opportunities that will encroach upon you upon your exhibit of this institute of learning? Oh, Kelly, you'll come visit, won't you? Of course. I want to do so many things with my life-- have a sports car, travel to Paris. There's so many doors out there open for me. You're going to remember me when you're rich and famous, aren't you? Of course. Your name was Kelly something? Yeah, plain Kelly. Your kids can call me Aunt Kelly. Whoa, wait a minute. No kids for me for a while. Shh! When I meet the right guy and we build up some security, maybe. I've got plenty of time before I start thinking about a family.

All of it, Jason. Mom, we might not never find this stuff again. We'll take our chances. Mom, where should I put this? It's too small for me and too big for Lynn. Um, we'll have to put it in the attic. It's about the only space we have left. Come on, Jason.

I (SINGING) Sometimes I think about my life, unsure of what to be. My friends and family give advice. They want what's best for me. Of all the things they see in me, what should I become? I need Thee, Lord, to help me choose, that Thy will may be done. To Marjorie Hansen, for perfect attendance in Primary. May you grow to be a righteous mother in Zion. The Primary Presidency.

Certificate of Honor, Marjorie Hansen. Highest Academic Achievement. (SINGING) My mother loves unselfishly, helps others in their need. She loves the teachings of her Lord and teaches them to me. Of all the things that she could choose, she chose the will of God, To love and lead us back to Him. Marjorie Hansen, Girl Most Likely to Succeed. What, are you lost? No, I'm finding out about my mother. Ooh, what dark secrets have you found? Like let's discuss your hair for a minute, Mom. Cute, huh? Look at this. And look at this. Mom, you could have done so much. Why didn't you ever go after a career? I did. Being your mom's a full-time job. That's not what I meant. Well, I was blessed with more opportunities than most. After graduating from college, I accepted a position with a big company. I was 24 and had my master's degree. It was during that same time that I met your father. At first I wanted to do both. I wanted to marry your dad and continue with my career. But the more we talked about our future together, the more torn I became about what I should do. Me too. So how did you decide? Well, it wasn't easy. After talking to my parents, your father and I decided to do what the Lord wanted us to do. So we began to study the scriptures and read about what the current prophet said on the subject. Then one night, while reading 1 Samuel, the most wonderful feeling came over us. We knew the Spirit had touched us. Do you know the story in 1 Samuel? Uh-uh. What's it about? Well, it's about a young woman named Hannah who was unable to have children. She approached the Lord in prayer and made Him a promise. She vowed that if God would give her son, that she would return that son to Him. Well, God did bless her with a son, and she returned to serve God throughout his entire life.

Your dad and I got these pictures to give to you kids, because they've kind of become a reminder of our goal to do everything we could to return our family to our Heavenly Father. We decided that as long as it was possible, we would work full-time on that goal, and your dad would earn the living. We've struggled now and then, but looking back on it, we'd make the same decision. Yeah, but Mom, sometimes it doesn't seem worth it. All the cooking and the cleaning and laundry. I know. Sometimes it seems that way. But hey, I do a lot more than that. Let me show you something that helped me.

I bet you thought I threw all this stuff away, huh?

What's this? It was written by your brother, right after he left on his mission. Go ahead, read it.

Dear Mom, today I discovered my peanut butter sandwiches aren't near as good as your brownies. When I was home, I was so ungrateful for all you did for me. School programs, ball games, and bug collections probably weren't real exciting for you, but at the time, they meant everything to me. Now I realize we meant everything to you. Staying home and raising me wasn't the easiest thing you could have done, but it was the best. Thanks. I love you, Greg. P.S. When I find the right one, I hope she's just like you.

Do you think I'd trade any of these memories for all the money that a career could offer me?

So Mom, what do you think I should do about school? Well, you should continue with your schooling, Kelly. It helped me become a better person and be a better mom. And if, heaven forbid, anything should ever happen to your father, at least I know I have the skills to support us.

Is your room clean yet? Mom, thanks. Sure.

(SINGING) As I prepare for motherhood and children I may raise, Be near me Lord, that I may teach, inspire in loving ways. Help me to walk the path that brings my children back to Thee, That we'll find joy throughout our lives, together on our way.

And I will prepare to fill woman's role, Accept the Lord's will with all of my soul. I'll raise children up, I'll love them, I'll lead, And I'll take the time to bring them to Thee. And as I prepare for children to raise, Be near me that I may bring them to Thee.

For This Child I Prayed

(1 Samuel 1:1-10) A young woman ponders the decision of having a family and its importance.

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