
Excuse me, are you the caretaker here? Yes. I've just been admiring the grounds here. You have some very unusual plants. This Pink Pearl is the most beautiful I've ever seen. How do you know about Pink Pearl? When I'm away on business trips I like collecting exotic plants. A few years ago I took some home with me. They've grown pretty well in my greenhouse, but they surely don't look like this. You have a couple of other plants I'm not familiar with. What do you call this? Well, that's a New Zealand Tea Tree. Really? Would you mind if I took a few pictures? No, of course not. You're welcome. Say, would you like to come in and see the rest of the grounds? I'd love to.

You really have an eye for detail. Thank you. I learned that from my father.

How many other gardeners help you take care of this place? Oh, none. I take care of it myself. The whole thing? It's so enormous. Do you ever get overwhelmed at so much to do? Sometimes, but that's when I have to remind myself of just how far it's come. Then I come up here.

My favorite part, though, is when the owner visits. He stands right here. When I see the pleased look on his face, well, that's when I know it's all worth it. Wait a minute, I don't understand. Doesn't the owner live here? No, but he visits from time to time. Well, when was he here last? A few years ago. Does he ever tell you when he's coming? No. Well, for not knowing when he's coming you certainly keep this place beautifully. You'd think you were expecting him tomorrow.

No. Today, sir, today.

The Gardener

(Joel 2) A gardener anxiously awaits the return of the housemaster.

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