
My name is Brooke Romney, I am six feet tall, and I live in Mexico.

By now, I'm pretty used to sticking out wherever I go. I mean, literally. And I know I'm different than most people, especially being here. And I'm still learning Spanish, and on top of that, I live by different standards then everybody else does.

Sometimes a lot of people think that if you don't act a certain way, you don't do things that everybody else does, then you're not going to be cool and you won't fit in, but that's just not true. If they're your real friends they'll understand, they'll love you just for who you are. Even if you do tower over them.

Well, physically she's very tall, but she's a really nice girl and she's always willing to help us out. The first thing you notice about her is probably her height. She stands out, like, anywhere she goes in any classroom, hallway, outside of school, wherever she is. She's really nice to everyone, she's really friendly. She's always there, wherever you turn. Like, there's Brooke, and you can be talking with your friends and suddenly you see her and her humor's always awesome. Outgoing, she was really outgoing. You could tell that she wanted to make friends. Brooke is super sweet, super fun and happy. She's also a very good influence amongst all of us. I wouldn't say she's just different, she's very special.

People ask questions all the time when you're different. And sometimes I feel like all eyes are on me or people always look at me when I'm coming, or stuff like that. But it's OK, I stand tall and stick to my standards, and I don't mind being called the tall Mormon girl. But it's not only her height that makes her stand out. Even if other people are doing stuff that she might not agree with, or that she doesn't feel like doing, she's not afraid to stand up for herself. She doesn't get influenced by doing something she doesn't want to do, or by doing something that doesn't seem right for her. She never drinks, and she doesn't care what people say about it. Always tries to guide us through the right path in life.

She doesn't really care about what most people in this society think about. She doesn't give in to peer pressure or anything. Most of the time, she tries to pull me to the right side. She's made me aware just to enjoy every single day. Every time I'm with her, I'm always laughing and I'm always having fun.

Instead of losing my way and copying or stuff like that, she's always-- instead of copying, teaching me things.

She also always wears the appropriate dresses and things like that, so she's always standing out in the positive way. The amazing thing about Brooke is she has a different religion, she's not from here, she's taller, she's different in so many aspects, but she manages to fit in perfectly wherever she is. A lot of times it's hard, but you have to stand up for what you believe in, even if you're the only one standing.

And if you're going to stand, you might as well stick out.

Stand Tall

A tall young woman named Brooke tells how it feels to be an unusual height.

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