
The magnificent Atlanta Temple, in this beautiful part of the country, will be rededicated in the morning. It is, of course, the reason for this great celebration. Although, as you will point out, its light has been somewhat dimmed for nearly two years. It will shine as a beacon of righteousness to all who will follow its light. President Monson rededicated the Atlanta Georgia Temple in two sessions on Sunday, May 1, 2011. The night before the temple rededication, President Monson addressed members in the Atlanta area prior to a cultural celebration. Tonight, as you present Southern Lights, you'll be blessed by the light which emanates from each one of you, the children of light. You and your leaders have spent long hours preparing for this evening. You may, at times, have wondered if the final result would be worth all the effort expended. May I assure each of you that any effort you put forth will be rewarded many times over. Years from now, you'll be telling your children and your grandchildren about the opportunity you had to participate in such a tremendous celebration. I pronounce a blessing upon you that you may feel the love which we have for you. May you know that our Heavenly Father loves you. And I bless you that you will ever have a desire to serve Him and His Son, Jesus Christ. I bless you that you'll always

President Monson Atlanta Temple

President Monson rededicated the Atlanta Georgia Temple and spoke to members about the light from the temple that also shines in the members.

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