
The training that we received this morning inspired me to help the members better understand the great blessings that the priesthood has. A Seventy goes out under apostolic power from the Quorum of the Twelve. And so when I receive an assignment to go to a stake, to participate in a stake conference or whatever other assignment, I go with apostolic keys and authority, depending upon that assignment. And so, in a very literal sense, I carry that power and authority with me. And it's a wonderful thing to go out in and do that and to feel that and to interact with the people and do that work and accomplish that. And then that authority goes back, because that assignment's completed. And these are words by the Prophet Joseph Smith. And he said, the Seventies are to be ordained Seventy Apostles, because they work under apostolic authority. They are the eyes and the ears and the hands of the Twelve Apostles. Rise up to the calling, and find out what you are. Go to the Lord, and obtain the vision. So I think the tie that we have is that we must testify that Jesus is the Christ, the Savior of the world, to member and nonmember, wherever we're assigned. I feel like Paul, in ancient times, in the early part of the Church, that I'm kind of a representative to the Gentiles. Section 107 mentions that. That's what we do. We're first to the Gentiles, then to the Jews. And I feel like it's such an opportunity to bear testimony that we have apostles and prophets on the earth. So for me to go out and bear testimony of that, now, it's in an honor that I just treasure. To stand as a messenger from the brethren of the prophet in giving prophetic priorities, in teaching from the scriptures, in expounding from the scriptures, as has been taught by the prophets to the people, is very encouraging. I feel very humbled with even the thought of trying to extend the Twelve and certainly, take great care to try not to teach anything that they aren't teaching. Well, being united with those people up there, working together, and receive information and direction and the inspiration in their training, helped me to help the members in Tonga. Our job is certainly to act in their names, in their behaviors. We don't do anything by ourselves. We do everything that we have heard of them, of the First Presidency, and of the Twelve. My agenda is the agenda of the First Presidency and the Twelve. And that's the way that we extend the power, the keys, throughout the world. When we have the chance to come here and to be taught by them, or through the other area conferences that they organize, then we have the chance to follow up on the things that they've taught us, to make sure that the words they are instructing us, the principles, the people that we need to reach out to-- that we're following through on those things. And so I think that carrying some of those actions and the messages that they teach us to the people is an important role for us, as the Seventy. To make sure that the words of the Lord are felt in the hearts of the people. I think it will be good for every person to receive-- how to receive the Holy Ghost, and how to feel that, and how to use and how to manage the priesthood in their life. It will make us prepare to return to Heavenly Father and it makes greatest happiness in this life. So I want to preach that kind of thing to other persons, to have the happiness which I have. Every calling, specifically, every stake conference I'm called to preside, comes with a letter signed by President Packer. And I always read that letter very sacredly, because it's a calling from someone who has the keys of the priesthood, to preside over the Quorum of the Twelve. And he is "inviting me," quote, unquote-- is in fact assigning me to go to stake conference, for example. So that's my focus, to extend the prophetic priorities to everyone that I come in contact with, members and nonmembers. I feel very blessed to represent those leaders who hold the keys of the priesthood. As a Seventy, we teach, we invite people, we encourage people to follow prophets and apostles. I have no agenda on my own. What the prophet and apostles teach, that's what I teach.

Seventies Interviews Part 1

Seventies and Area Seventies talk about the nature and responsibility of their calling.

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