
Congo-- DRC Congo is a country with 66 million people. It is in the center of Africa.

Only 22% of persons have clean water. That is our country-- the reality of our country.

Luputa is a city in the center of Congo. The flow of the stream is very, very small and contaminated water again. In this village, water has been a big problem. Most families in DRC, they have people who died because of their utter disease. We've seen many families losing child-- I can say children, fathers, even mothers.

With this water for us mothers, we have suffered much. You see, to wake up in the middle of the night to go look for water, sometimes we are ambushed on the road. We are exposed to many dangers. Many a female are attacked in the way. But they have to go far to get water every time, and this is the kind of [UNINTELLIGIBLE] for them. The families of Congo-- the people are alone. And every time they pray, please God help us. Send anyone who can help us. Every night you use the megaphone to let know everybody that tomorrow we'll be waking to start digging. We came here with between 60 or 90 people digging the trenches to put the pipe to bring water to Luputa.

We work with our hands. And people work with their hands, no machine. They work so hard-- very, very hard. People have been doing such work for 1,000 days from the springs to Luputa which is 18 miles. So it's very hard. But we did make it as it was our desire to have clean water.

We say thank you very much for this project because it is very important, not only for the people of this district, but for everybody. Because we hope that after this we'll have more projects with the Church, and the government is ready to assist this church. The water project really helps people in a way that they couldn't have helped themselves. And in that way, it follows most closely the Savior's example of going about and doing good-- doing for others what they can't do for themselves. It should allow people to live longer and better than they otherwise would.

This is why today we are rejoicing with this water. But we don't know how to thank the Lord because He answered our pleadings. It's like a dream. We have dreamt of having this pure water.

A Thousand Days

By digging wells and boreholes in drought-stricken countries of Africa, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints helps provide health and happiness to entire villages.

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