
[SPEAKING SPANISH] We are here in Suriquina, which is located at the foot of the Andes-- a very beautiful place, but a very difficult place to live. Due to the climate and the cold you find in this place, it's very difficult to obtain food. [SPEAKING SPANISH] In my family, we have suffered for a long time, for many years, because we have not had vegetables. We didn't have much money. We could go to the market only once a week or so and buy just a little. But even then, there wouldn't be fresh vegetables. Everything was in bad condition. [SPEAKING SPANISH] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints saw the need the families have here due to the difficult food situation. And this is why the Church is now working with greenhouses and started the [? Walatipina ?] Project four or five years ago. The Church teaches that with all these projects we have, everyone should participate, especially the family. They need to provide the labor so they can take pride in their work and can care for the greenhouse. [SPEAKING SPANISH] We started to build our greenhouse. I even made the adobe bricks. My husband prepared it. We worked together, including our kids. We all wanted vegetables for the benefit of our family. [SPEAKING SPANISH] I work with my own hands. I worked on it very hard. Sometimes I got tired, but I worked with all my strength. [SPEAKING SPANISH] After all the classes on nutrition, the preparation, and having the children enjoy the salads that are provided for them, we have seen a big change in them. They have much more energy and a greater desire to succeed in their studies. One of the school teachers told us, for example, that they are more skilled and capable of solving math problems. So it is a big change. [SPEAKING SPANISH] I feel like my memory has improved. I am able to think better. Before, I couldn't do that. My son has gotten bigger. He is now strong, and he wasn't like that before. When I first heard about the greenhouse project, I thought that it was only to help Church members. But that wasn't true. I've never attended church and I still have my greenhouse. It's for the whole community. [SPEAKING SPANISH] I'm very thankful because this is good for my children's health and for our entire well-being. [SPEAKING SPANISH] I feel very blessed because I believe we are helping the families. We tried to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ with all the work we are doing here. The Church is teaching the people how to be self- sufficient. And so I am an instrument in helping these families, and it makes me feel very happy.

Bolivia Underground Greenhouses

Because of the high altitude and cold climate, it is difficult for the people of the Andes to grow vegetables. With the help of the Church, families are able to grow vegetables in subterranean greenhouses.

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