
Well, first and foremost, I come as a witness of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in all the world. I take very seriously the apostolic commission to represent Him, to bear His name, bear His priesthood, and to have people know that presence in the Church, that title in our name, that Christ is the chief cornerstone of this great magnificent work. So I come bearing witness of Him and want to be worthy to bear that apostolic title for Him and from Him even as I identify more and more and more in my life with how Peter and James and John must have felt. These are people who are loving and faithful. I've had previous assignments here in Hong Kong and the surrounding area, and I've always been impressed with the faithfulness of these people. The growth of the Church is evidenced in a testimony that develops into deepening conversion. We often speak about the importance of knowing the gospel is true. We come to know that by the power of the Holy Ghost. That's having a testimony. But consistently being true to what we know is ongoing conversion, which is also a function of the ministry of the Holy Ghost. The Church grows as the members are moving from testimony to ongoing, continuing conversion. And that's the foundation for an individual, for a husband and wife, for a family, for a branch, a ward, a stake, or a district. That's where the growth of the Church comes. The more I travel the world, the more nations I visit, the more people I'm blessed to learn from, the more I find that in all the world people are basically the same. I think we highlight the differences in culture and language, but in all the places that I've been fundamentally, in terms of what matters most, people are the same. Most people have a yearning to love and worship God. They love their spouses. They love their children. And in that it is exactly the same everywhere. Quickly I would add to that, related to that, is an expression of love. I really have been very anxious for all of the membership to know, and that includes the missionaries and everybody, the newest investigator, the newest baby, the teenager who's just coming to maturity. We've tried to have a message for all of those people that they're loved, they are known, they are not unrecognized, and they are not unremembered at Church headquarters from the Brethren. This is about, more or less, halfway around the world from Church headquarters. But it wouldn't matter where they were in the world. We would want them to know that they were loved and admired and prayed for and appreciated. We're grateful for the service they render. We're grateful for people who have the courage and faith to join the Church and to stay active and to build the Church, establish the Church. So that's certainly been, I think, the second message that I've brought.

Elder Holland Elder Bednar Hong Kong Interview

Interviews with Elder Holland and Elder Bednar in Hong Kong.

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