
I believe that the memories you will acquire, as a result of this service, will be with you through all eternity. The poet James Berrie said, "God gave us memories that we might have June roses in the December of our lives." I have no field which produces more fragrant a bounty as roses than the mission field, to which you have been called. When you're first called, you tally up, financially, where you are with your obligations. We've actually called on fairly short notice. We were able to meet with President Uchtdorf last Tuesday, a week ago Tuesday, and that's when we were called as mission presidents to that point. So it's been a little bit of short notice, but a great opportunity to serve. When we receive the calling, we're going to do whatever is necessary. I just think there's been a preparation. I don't know exactly how it happens. It's very subtle, but there's definitely a preparation for this. And there's just a tenderness that you feel, and you can fell your heart being softened and your spirit being prepared. I've noticed that since Sister [UNINTELLIGIBLE] and I have arrived here at the MTC and have had this just incredibly spiritually uplifting experience, my sensitivity is increased. My capacity to love is increasing. What I've noticed on a practical basis is my prayers are more focused and longer now. When we think of sacrifices, I sometimes wonder what exactly is considered a sacrifice because something that can be very difficult for one person may not be as difficult for another one. I can imagine that, not only our children, but even our granddaughters, even though they are very young, they remember seeing grandpa and grandma living off their suitcases and then put everything in their car and then going on a mission. I know that Heavenly Father can take care of the children better than I can, so we're happy to do this and feel like this will be a great blessing to them. I think some of the biggest challenges that face anyone leaving on a mission, as a mission president, as a senior couple, even as a young missionary, is you put your life on hold. In one sense, that this a sacrifice, but we wouldn't have it any other way. We see it as an opportunity to share the gospel that has so changed our lives, that has so touched our hearts, with other people, and so we couldn't be more excited. We couldn't be more anxious and more willing to go. The price that we pay for what we receive from the Lord is disproportionate. He is giving us so much more than the price He asks from us. If ever I start to kind of get nervous or fearful or whatever, then I just redirect my brain to my faith. And then I just know that that's why I'm going and that He will be there to help me. So it's everything. And so for me, that's what's important. I know why I'm going, and it's for Him. Could this be a time of more fully devoting your life to learning to discern the will of God and learning to submit to His will? Your own faith in Christ and the faith of your missionaries will grow wonderfully as you and they seek, day by day, to know and to do the will of God. Faith, which is already a principal of action in you, will become also a principle of power.

Mission Presidents Seminar News Video

Newly called mission presidents and their wives share their feelings on being called.

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