
Ministering to families begins with loving and caring about every family member and seeking to understand their needs.


These leaders understood that children and youth can have a powerful influence on their families. They sought the guidance of the Spirit, counseled together, and decided to visit the Vasquez family that week. The leaders recognized that on the occasions when the children were able to come to church, they had spiritual experiences.


Working with the Bishopric, these ward leaders planned ways to continue blessing the children and strengthening their family. And inspired primary activity helped the children feel the love and friendship of other ward members. [SPEAKING SPANISH]

As the Spirit touched the children's hearts, they looked to their parents for guidance. And their parents were strengthened to come back to Church. From the handbook we learned, the family is ordained by God. It is the most important unit in time and in eternity.

Ministering to Children (Worldwide Leadership Training)

The Primary presidency is to become familiar with children, strengthen children individually, and help children participate in Primary.

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