
In the book of Alma, we learn that the word of God has a "more powerful effect upon the minds of the people than ... anything else." The elders quorum presidency and high priests group leadership are responsible for gospel learning and teaching in their quorum or group.

They guide instructors to follow the handbook principles for teachers and leaders, which are: love those you teach, teach by the Spirit, teach the doctrine, and invite diligent learning.

As you listen to these priesthood leaders, teachers, and quorum members, consider the influence a diligent and faithful gospel teacher can have on the lives of those they teach.

Brethren, I'd like to welcome you out to our priesthood meeting. It's good to see you all here. And we've got a great lesson today on faith in Jesus Christ. [MUSIC PLAYING] Handbook 2 states that "effective gospel teaching helps people grow in their testimonies and [in] their faith." [SPEAKING PORTUGUESE]

A strong spiritual lesson can have a tremendous effect on individuals in classes. As elders quorum presidents and high priests group leaders oversee gospel learning and teaching in the quorum and group, they are guided by the teaching principles in the handbook which will increase spirituality and help members learn the gospel.



Teachers and leaders show love and concern for those they teach. As they prepare, they think about individual members of the quorum or group and find ways to encourage participation.

[MUSIC PLAYING] Before each lesson, teachers prepare spiritually and teach the doctrine.


When I actually come to prepare the lesson, I get the manual out. I get my scriptures out. And generally, when I do mine, I'm sat in front of the computer as well because I'm also on the Church website as well. So if there's any information or any talks, anything that I want to find, I've got ready access to be able to find them to be able to prepare the lesson. To teach the doctrine, leaders and instructors use the scriptures, the teachings of latter-day prophets, and approved manuals. These materials focus the lesson and allow the Spirit to testify of truth. [MUSIC PLAYING] [SPEAKING PORTUGUESE]

Leaders and teachers seek the guidance of the Spirit and bear testimony of the doctrines they teach. Well, generally I might have planned on including a saying and having specific things that I want to cover, but during it I might get the prompting, or someone might suggest something that leads it on a slight tangent, and it might be that the elders in the quorum require us to talk about that specific thing so they can strengthen their understanding and knowledge. But then it's through following the Spirit and not being rigid to what you prepared that you're able to spend the time focusing on the areas that you feel the elders that day need to learn about and feel the Spirit about. [SPEAKING PORTUGUESE]

[MUSIC PLAYING] Leaders and teachers invite quorum and group members to participate in lessons by asking questions and encouraging discussion. They invite participation outside the classroom by encouraging regular study and application of gospel principles. [SPEAKING PORTUGUESE]




As you listened to these priesthood leaders and teachers, what did you learn about effective gospel teaching in the quorum or group?

You may have observed that gospel teachers follow the handbook principle "love those you teach" as they seek to know the needs of individual class members.

They seek guidance and prepare spiritually in order to teach by the Spirit. They teach the doctrine using the scriptures, teachings of latter-day prophets, and approved curriculum materials.

And they invite diligent learning by encouraging members to participate in class and inviting them to study and apply the principles of the gospel.

As you consider gospel teaching and learning in your quorum or group, you may want to consider these questions: How can you help your instructors know the members and teach by the Spirit?

How can you encourage them to teach the doctrine and invite diligent learning? [MUSIC PLAYING]

Teaching the Gospel in the Quorum and Group

Elders quorum presidencies and high priests group leaders are responsible for gospel learning in their quorums and groups.

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