
The Lord's work requires many hands, so Church leaders are called to labor together in His vineyard. When they do, much is accomplished. This is why leaders work together in councils.

Leaders in the Montserrat Ward recently rescued a less active family. Their united efforts were vital in helping the family return. [SPEAKING SPANISH]

The Montserrat Ward leaders understood an important principle from Church Handbook 2: "In ward council meeting, leaders discuss needs that can benefit from everyone's counsel." Each leader knew the family, each felt a responsibility to help them, and each participated in the council discussion. They understood that most of the work to help the family would take place outside of the meeting. They also understood that they were expected to involve other quorum and auxiliary members in reaching out to serve the family. As they counselled together, they felt a spirit of unity. Through the influence of the Holy Ghost, they understood the needs of the family more clearly. After listening carefully to the inspired discussion, the bishop exercised priesthood keys and assigned leaders in the Sunday School, high priest group, and Relief Society to visit the family that week. [SPEAKING SPANISH]

Because leaders worked together, much was accomplished. The Sunday School president helped the family begin studying the scriptures together. The high priest group leader taught the brother how to administer to his family. The Relief Society presidency learned of the family's urgent welfare needs and worked with the priesthood executive committee to address them. The ward council works together with each leader doing their part. After many months, hearts were soften and progress was made. [SPEAKING SPANISH]

When leaders labor together in the Lord's vineyard, much is accomplished. As they counsel about specific needs, make plans to meet those needs, and then carry out their plans working together in a spirit of love and unity, families and individuals are blessed. Because, when the Lord's servants work together, the Lord Himself also works with them.

In this example, how did the ward council work together to rescue a less active family? You may want to pause to reflect on what you have learned.

As you watched these leaders work together, you may have noticed that in ward council meeting the bishop presented the needs of a specific family. He listened carefully as council members from many organizations offered inspired ideas of how to help. The leaders sought the guidance of the Holy Ghost as they counselled together. When the bishop had heard everyone's inspired ideas, he exercised priesthood keys to assign specific leaders to take action. Those leaders worked together to fulfill their assignments and minister to the family over an extended period of time. At each council meeting, they reported back on their efforts.

As you consider your role as a member of the ward council, you may want to ask yourself, "How can I improve my spiritual preparation for our council meetings? How can we better work together across organizations to bless the members of our ward?"

Working Together in the Ward Council

Church leaders meet together in councils to work together and plan how to minister to the ward members’ needs.

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