
When I was called as a bishop, I recognized I was the president under the priests quorum and I wanted to get every boy out. There was one boy that never came. And I thought to myself, I'm sitting here with the priests, they've got an adviser. I'll leave them to get their lessons from the adviser. I'm going to go find Richard Casto. And I went over to his home-- mother and dad were home-- and they said he was working over at the West Temple Garage. So I went over to 5th South and West Temple and the door was open but nobody there. That's when I started looking around-- nobody. So I went around the back and there was one of these old-fashioned grease pits, and I looked down into the darkness and I could see two eyes looking at me. He said, you got me, Bishop. I'll come up. And he came up out of the grease pit, and we had a nice little visit there together. I said, Richard, we need you. You have a way with people.

I want to have every priest in attendance. Will you come? He said, I'll come, and he came. After that, I served a mission. I was sealed to my wife in the temple. We have five great children, two of them have served missions. I've served as a bishop twice. My children have a great love for Him and my wife has a great love for Him because of what He did for me. It's probably one of the greatest blessings that I have ever received in my life.

On the Lord's Errand

President Monson tells of the importance of each priest in his priests quorum when he was a young bishop.

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