
A real bishop will do in his own home what he is asking his ward priesthood leaders to do. He will go home from this meeting, and sit down with his wife, and ask her a very simple question. Sweetheart, how can I be a better father and a better companion-- and then duck.

I did this last week. A priesthood leader called me up. He said, I did this with my wife. She said, can you give me two or three days?

And then take half an hour or so and whatever time it takes to listen what she has to say, listen with your heart, make the necessary adjustments in your own life, then you'll be the caring shepherd in your own home. You see, brethren, we must lay down our lives for our wives in our families just as the Savior laid down his life for the Church and for each of us. Then we can represent him. Then we can be more like him. You may be thinking, Elder Hales, I don't have time to do everything. Let me share with you the best advice I was ever given on the subject. Generally, don't spend more than two nights a week away from your home on your calling. And one of those evenings should be spent visiting in the homes of the members. Next, tell your family in advance when you'll be home and keep your word, no matter what, that your car will drive into the driveway at the time you've said you would be there, so that Mother who has said to the children, Father will be home at a particular time. And they will know you will be there. The third, spend time each week with your wife and with each of your children. Begin there. I promise, if you will put your wife and family first, you'll not only be a better husband and father, you'll become a better bishop.

Strengthening Families

Elder Hales counsels bishops on family and time management.

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