
[SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] The Relief Society president is a spiritual leader. Under the bishop's direction, she organizes, teaches, and inspires sisters to fulfill the purposes of Relief Society. In this important work, she follows basic principles of gospel leadership. [MUSIC PLAYING] The Relief Society president seeks, receives, and acts upon personal revelation. Through scripture study, personal prayer, and obedience to her covenants, she qualifies for the guidance of the Spirit in her calling.

[SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] [MUSIC PLAYING] The Relief Society president counsels regularly with the bishop, her counselors, and with other leaders in the ward council and priesthood executive committee to plan and carry out Relief Society meetings, activities, and service efforts in ways that meet the spiritual and temporal needs of sisters and their families. [MUSIC PLAYING] [SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] The Relief Society president ministers to sisters in the ward. She watches over them and involves them in the work of Relief Society. The president and her counselors invite all sisters to prepare to receive the ordinances and covenants of the temple.

The Relief Society president teaches sisters by the Spirit in classes, meetings, and in one-on-one visits. She helps other Relief Society leaders and teachers improve their teaching abilities.

Finally, the Relief Society president is responsible to administer the work of the Relief Society organization. She and her counselors oversee meetings, activities, and service efforts to ensure that they build faith, strengthen families, and provide relief to others. [SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] The Relief Society president is a spiritual leader in the ward. As she prepares spiritually, participates in councils, ministers to others, teaches the gospel, and administers the programs of Relief Society, she leads in the Savior's way. Guided by her example, Relief Society sisters become true disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Relief Society president is a spiritual leader in the ward. She works under the direction of the bishop and follows these leadership principles from Church Handbook 2: prepare spiritually, participate in councils, minister to others, teach the gospel, and administer the organization.

In all her work, the Relief Society president strives to help sisters build faith, strengthen their families, and provide relief for those in need.

As you serve in Relief Society, you may want to ask yourself, "What can I do to better implement the five gospel leadership principles in my service?" How can we better align our work with other Handbook teachings and with the counsel of our priesthood leaders? [MUSIC PLAYING]

The Relief Society President

Under the direction of the bishop, Relief Society presidents organize, teach, and inspire sisters to fulfill the purposes of the Relief Society.

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