
[SPEAKING SPANISH] [SPEAKING SPANISH] [SPEAKING SPANISH] As they work to help others learn and teach the gospel, Sunday School leaders focus on assisting teachers, Church members, and other ward leaders.

[SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] Sunday School leaders support teachers in their organization, providing orientation and training to help them improve the learning experience of class members.

Sunday School leaders work to strengthen the faith of Church members. They reach out to those who aren't attending Sunday classes and find ways to teach them the gospel and bring them back to Sunday School. [SPEAKING SPANISH] Sunday School leaders also serve as resources to the bishop and to other ward leaders to assist them in improving learning and teaching throughout the ward. As requested, they help ward leaders orient, train, and provide ongoing support for teachers. [SPEAKING SPANISH] Through the Sunday School presidency's efforts to support teachers, strengthen members, and assist other ward leaders, learning and teaching improve in the Church and in the homes of ward members, faith is strengthened, homes are centered in the gospel, and Church members become true disciples of the Savior. [SPEAKING SPANISH] To review, Sunday School leaders are responsible to train and support Sunday School teachers, watch over and strengthen the faith of Church members, and assist the bishop and other ward leaders in improving learning and teaching throughout the ward.

More detailed descriptions of presidency responsibilities can be found in Church Handbook 2 section 12.

As you study the Handbook and prepare to serve, you may want to consider these questions: How can we begin to provide training and support for our teachers?

Based on our class rolls, who needs to be visited and invited to return to Sunday School?

When can we meet with a member of the bishopric to determine how we can best assist them?

Serving in the Sunday School

Sunday School presidencies are responsible for the teaching, training, and support of ward members.

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