
As a member of the ward council, the Sunday School president participates in efforts to build faith and strengthen individuals and families. One week in ward council meeting, Brother Castaneda listened as the bishop explained the needs of a particular family. [MALE 1 SPEAKING SPANISH] The Spirit whispered to Brother Castaneda that the Lord had prepared him to participate in reaching out to the family in need. He volunteered to go to the rescue. [MALE 2 SPEAKING SPANISH] [MALE 3 SPEAKING SPANISH] As he prepared to visit the family, Brother Castaneda prepared spiritually, seeking the guidance of the Lord to know what to say to help them begin their return to the Church. When the day for the visit arrived, he was ready. [MALE 2 SPEAKING SPANISH] As the brethren visited with the family, Brother Castaneda invited them to return to Sunday School. The high priests group leader encouraged them to begin reading the scriptures. Then Brother Castaneda helped them make a plan to study each day as a family.

In the next ward council meeting, Brother Castaneda reported on the visit to the bishopric and the other ward leaders. [MALE 2 SPEAKING SPANISH] Like Brother Castaneda, Sunday School presidents have the responsibility to strengthen individuals and families in the ward. As they participate fully in the ward council, Heavenly Father blesses them with opportunities to teach and minister to Church members and to help them become true followers of the Savior Jesus Christ.

In this example, how did the Sunday School president fulfill his role to strengthen families as a member of the ward council?

You may want to pause to reflect on what you have learned.

In this example, you may have noticed that Brother Castaneda listened intently and received spiritual direction in council meeting. He volunteered to act. He prepared spiritually to make the visit. He supported ward priesthood leaders in the rescue effort by visiting the family and inviting them to return to Sunday School.

He helped the family begin to study the gospel in their home, and he reported back to the ward council on his efforts.

As you participate in an upcoming council meeting, you may want to consider this question: "As a member of the ward council, how can I best assist in strengthening the faith of ward members?"

Ministering through the Ward Council

Sunday School - Ministering Through the Ward Council

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