
[MUSIC PLAYING] In addition to their work in Sunday School, members of the Sunday School presidency serve as specialists in the ward's efforts to improve learning and teaching in church meetings. They also provide support to families as they strive to teach the gospel in their homes.

As invited by the bishopric or by leaders of priesthood quorums and auxiliary organizations, the Sunday School presidency provides counsel, training, and support to help other ward leaders orient teachers and improve gospel learning and teaching in their organizations.

In Guatemala City, Brother Castaneda, the Sunday School president, received an assignment from the bishop to work with the ward Young Men and Young Women presidents to improve the learning and teaching of youth in the ward, both in Sunday School classes and in meetings held by the youth organizations. With this charge, the three leaders met to determine how to proceed. After counseling together, they decided to hold a training meeting for all teachers of youth in the ward. [SPEAKING IN SPANISH] Together the leaders counseled about what principles to teach. [SPEAKING IN SPANISH] They set a date for the training and decided they would each take part in the meeting.

When the day for the training arrived, all ward youth teachers were in attendance. As the Sunday School, Young Men, and Young Women leaders taught and trained together, the Spirit of the Lord testified of the principles taught. Teachers were edified and instructed. In the coming weeks, learning and teaching did improve in ward youth classes. The young men and young women were strengthened and blessed. Because Sunday School leaders fulfilled their responsibilities to help other ward organizations, Church members learned the gospel by the Spirit and faith was increased.

In this example, how did ward Sunday School leaders first get involved in helping the youth organizations?

What did they do to help them improve learning and teaching?

You may want to pause to reflect on what you have learned.

In this example, the bishop asked the Sunday School president to work with ward youth leaders to improve learning and teaching. In your ward, requests for help may come from bishopric members or from other leaders who serve on the ward council.

Once the request had been made, the Sunday School president met with the youth leaders to receive their counsel about how he could best assist them. A training meeting was planned for youth teachers in the ward, using Teaching, No Greater Call. In the meeting, leaders from the Sunday School, Young Men, and Young Women all participated in instructing teachers on their duties.

As you think about helping other ward organizations improve learning and teaching, you may want to consider these questions: How can I help other ward leaders know that our presidency is available to help them?

How can I assist them in a way that supports their leadership?

How can we help teachers in all ward organizations focus on the needs of individual learners? [MUSIC PLAYING]

Improving Learning and Teaching in the Ward

Sunday School leaders assist other auxiliary leaders in developing and improving learning and teaching.

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