
Church Handbook 2 explains: "Parents have the first responsibility for the spiritual and physical welfare of their children. The bishopric and Young Women leaders support but do not replace parents in this responsibility." Young Women presidencies support parents as they reinforce gospel teaching, inform parents, and occasionally invite them to participate in activities and encourage involvement in Personal Progress. As you listen to these Young Women leaders, think about the importance of supporting parents in their divine role. [MUSIC PLAYING] The family is ordained of God. It is the most important unit in time and in eternity. [SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] Through the Young Women program, leaders have the opportunity to support parents as they fulfill their sacred responsibilities. One of the ways they do this is by teaching the gospel. [SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] When young women are taught the gospel, they begin to experiment upon the word and gain testimonies that will bless both their current and future families. [SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] As young women share these truths with their families, they are a positive influence in the home. [SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] [SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] Occasionally involving parents in the activities can give them opportunities to interact with their daughters. When planning activities, leaders are sensitive to family time. [SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] Leaders can also involve parents by introducing Personal Progress and explaining how it supports them in their responsibilities. [SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] As parents work with their daughters to complete value experiences and projects, they grow closer. [SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] [SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] [SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] As Young Women leaders support the family and its divine place in the plan of salvation, they help young women and their families grow closer together and closer to their Heavenly Father.

You may have noticed that as Young Women leaders reinforce gospel teaching, inform parents, and encourage involvement in Personal Progress, young women find more opportunities to share their testimonies with their families, spend more time working with their parents, and gain deeper appreciation and understanding for their parents.

Think about the young women you serve. Who among them might be in need of a stronger relationship with her parents? What activities or lessons could you plan to help meet that need?

Roles of Parents and Church Leaders

The bishopric and Young Women leaders support but do not replace parents in their responsibility over the physical and spiritual welfare of children.

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