
Young women become worthy to enter the temple as they obey the commandments and live the standards of the gospel. These standards are found in the booklet For the Strength of Youth. As you watch the leaders in this film, consider what you can do to more effectively help young women learn and live these standards in their own lives. [MUSIC PLAYING] Young Women leaders have been called to help young women learn and live the standards of the gospel in order to be worthy to make and keep sacred temple covenants. Leaders of young women prepare to teach gospel standards by studying the standards for themselves. As leaders learn the standards and practice living them in their own lives, they grow in their desire and commitment to help young women live them and claim their precious blessings.

Exemplifying the standards is one of the most powerful ways to teach them. The Church handbook states, "Leaders' most powerful teaching comes from their personal example." [SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE]


When leaders live the gospel standards themselves, young women recognize the joy and happiness that living the standards brings. Young women see and feel the blessings of the standards and desire those blessings for themselves.



When leaders study and exemplify the standards, they are prepared to teach and reinforce them in Sunday lessons as well as Mutual activities, camp, youth conference, and other activities. Leaders understand that many of the goals and activities suggested in the Personal Progress program can also teach a young woman the standards and how to live them. Teaching the standards is most powerful when leaders have studied them, lived them, and can be a testimony of their influence. Through their influence, young women will continue on the gospel path and be worthy to make and keep sacred covenants and receive the ordinances of the temple. [SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE]

As you watched this training, what things did you notice these Young Women leaders doing to more effectively help young women learn and live these standards in their own lives?

Some things you may have noticed them doing were studying the standards; exemplifying them in their dress, in their language, their actions, their temple attendance, their scripture study, their love for the young women, and their family lives; and teaching them in Mutual, camp, youth conference, and other activities. Using For the Strength of Youth, you may want to plan how you are going to study, exemplify, and teach the standards. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Helping Young Women Live the Standards

Young Women leaders are called to help the young women learn to live the standards of the Church.

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