
In Church Handbook 2 we read, "Personal Progress is an achievement program designed to help young women strengthen their testimonies of Jesus Christ, prepare for their future roles, and prepare to be worthy to make and keep sacred temple covenants." Think about the young women for whom you have responsibility. In this presentation you will see four steps outlined in the handbook. As you watch this example, you may want to ask yourself which of these steps would help them progress. Introduce the program, provide support, teach the values, and record and recognize the progress of each young woman.

[MUSIC PLAYING] The first page of the Personal Progress book features a picture of the temple. Through the temple we see a painting of the Savior, reminding each young woman that it is through the ordinances of the temple that we can return to Him. Beneath the picture of Christ is this invitation: "Come unto Christ, and be perfected in him." Young Women leaders are called to extend this invitation to come unto Christ to each young woman in their ward or branch. The handbook teaches leaders how to use Personal Progress to extend this important invitation. Leaders have four basic responsibilities in administering Personal Progress.

When a young woman turns 12 years old, the second counselor in the Young Women presidency and a member of the Beehive class presidency arrange to meet with her and her parents.

They welcome her to Young Women and give her a Young Women Personal Progress book and journal, copies of For the Strength of Youth and True to the Faith, and a Young Women pendant. [SPEAKING IN SPANISH] As leaders introduce the program to young women, they invite parents to provide support and encouragement. If needed, others can be invited to assist, such as another sister in the ward or a young woman who is further along in her Personal Progress achievements. Leaders understand that each young woman is different, but each one holds the support of those around her as she seeks to come unto Christ.

Leaders use Personal Progress in all aspects of the Young Women program. They look for opportunities to highlight it in their lessons, find ways to reinforce it in Mutual, and exemplify its values in their own lives. [MUSIC PLAYING] [SPEAKING IN SPANISH] As each young woman completes her value experiences, projects, or Personal Progress, there are opportunities to record and recognize her good works. Each booklet contains a progress record. Leaders should encourage young women and their parents to keep records of their progress and together make future goals. Presidencies should also keep records of each young woman's progress. Then they can discuss these records in their presidency meeting and contemplate the best ways to help each of their young women. Leaders understand that when a young woman is recognized for her righteous actions, she feels the love of the Lord and the confidence of her leaders to do well.

As leaders follow the handbook in fulfilling their responsibilities to introduce the program, provide support for each young woman, teach the values, and record and recognize the progress of each young woman, they will strengthen individuals and families and invite them to come unto Christ.

To use what you have learned, prayerfully consider the young women for whom you have responsibility. You may want to begin with just one. Which of these steps would help her progress: introduce the program, provide support, teach the values, or record and recognize?

You may want to write down your thoughts and share them in council with your presidency. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Personal Progress

The Personal Progress program is designed to help young women gain testimonies and work toward making temple covenants.

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