
The handbook tells us that it is the responsibility of quorum presidencies and advisers to guide Aaronic Priesthood quorums in fulfilling their priesthood duties.

As you watch, consider the importance of Aaronic Priesthood holders fulfilling the responsibilities of their priesthood office.

In what ways do they learn their work is essential to the work of God?

[SPEAKING IN SPANISH] Advisers are responsible to assist quorum presidencies in helping young men learn and carry out their duties.

They teach young men to fulfill responsibilities such as preparing and passing the sacrament, home teaching, and, where appropriate, collecting fast offerings.

In these and other ways, young men contribute to the work of salvation in the ward.

In the following example, Young Men advisers assist Aaronic Priesthood holders as they collect fast offerings in their ward.

Circumstances in some areas of the Church do not permit young men to collect fast offerings. However, in this example, watch for general principles of how young men are blessed as they learn and carry out their duties.

[SPEAKING IN SPANISH] The handbook tells us that when an Aaronic Priesthood holder collects fast offerings, he not only assists ward members, but he also assists the bishop in "administering ... temporal things." [SPEAKING IN SPANISH] In this example, Aaronic Priesthood holders were able to help the bishop and bless the lives of the ward members through gathering fast offerings.

These same purposes are fulfilled when young men fulfill their priesthood duties to home teach; prepare, bless, and pass the sacrament; take the sacrament to members who are unable to attend Church services; and fulfill other priesthood assignments.

In every case, as Aaronic Priesthood holders fulfill their priesthood duties, they have the opportunity to see the blessings of the priesthood in the lives of those they serve.

Helping Aaronic Priesthood holders understand the blessings they can bring to others will help them understand the blessings of the priesthood in their own lives. [MUSIC PLAYING] [SPEAKING IN SPANISH] As you watched these Aaronic Priesthood holders provide priesthood service, in what ways did they experience the blessings and taste the joy of priesthood service?

In what ways did they learn their work is essential to the work of God?

As a ward Young Men presidency member, how can you guide quorum members in the fulfilling of their duties? [MUSIC PLAYING]

Fulfilling Priesthood Duties

Aaronic Priesthood advisers are responsible to assist young men in fulfilling their priesthood responsibilities.

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