
I believe that in the Lord's plan, our commitment to welfare principles should be at the very root of our faith and devotion to Him. [SPEAKING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE]

So finally, the last person I wanted to talk to you about was Milos Pecha. He's been going through some welfare issues; he's a new member of the Church. The two great commandments to love God and our neighbor are a joining of the temporal and the spiritual. Like two sides of a coin, the temporal and spiritual are inseparable. [SPEAKING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE]

The Lord's way of caring for the needy is different from the world's way. The Lord's way has always included self-reliance. Now, Milos is a great worker. You know, he could go and sign on the dole system and probably earn more than he would have done working. But he said, "No, I want to work. I don't like dole; no good, no good. I want to work." And so we felt a responsibility there to encourage that train of thought. This very hour there are many members of the Church who are suffering. They are hungry, stretched financially, and struggling with all manner of physical, emotional, and spiritual distress. They pray with all the energy of their souls for succor, for relief. Please do not think that this is someone else's responsibility. It is mine, and it is yours. We are all enlisted.

Providing in the Lord\'s Way

Priesthood and auxiliary leaders are responsible to coordinate and facilitate welfare assistance.

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