
I was an inexperienced priest in a large ward. My bishop called me on the phone one Sunday afternoon. When I answered, he said, "Do you have time to go with me? I need your help." He explained only that he wanted me to go as his companion to visit a woman I did not know who was without food and who needed to learn how to manage her finances better. Now, I knew he had two seasoned counselors in his bishopric; both were mature men of great experience. Yet despite my inexperience, I sensed that he was deadly serious when he said, "I need your help." I have come to understand what that inspired bishop meant. He saw in me a golden opportunity to prepare a priesthood holder. I am sure that he did not foresee in that untrained boy a future member of the Presiding Bishopric. But he treated me that day and all the days I knew him over the years as a preparation project of great promise. He seemed to enjoy it, but it was work for him. On a return to my home after we visited the widow in need, he parked the car. He opened his well-worn and heavily-marked scriptures, and he gave me kindly correction. He told me that I needed to study the scriptures and learn more. But he must have seen that I was weak and simple enough to be teachable. To this day, I remember what he taught that afternoon. But even more, I remember how confident he was that I could learn and be better and that I would. He saw beyond the reality, who I was, to the possibilities that lie inside someone who feels weak and simple enough to want the Lord's help and to believe that it will come.

Teaching Leadership

Aaronic Priesthood -  Teaching Leadership

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