
[MUSIC PLAYING] This is the story of Josue, a young man in Guatemala who understands the power and responsibility of the priesthood keys he holds as deacons quorum president. He had been leading his quorum members in bringing another young man, Johnny Castro, into the Church and into the deacons quorum. As he led them in fellowshipping Johnny, the presidency came to know him, love him, and understand his needs. As the day of Johnny's baptism drew near, Josue and his presidency met to discuss further ways to welcome Johnny into the quorum.

As the discussion continued, inspiration came quickly to the quorum presidency. They scheduled a mutual night where Johnny could share his talent for drawing, noting on their agenda additional ways to involve Johnny in the quorum. They coordinated with one another and identified deacons who could participate by assignment. Quorum presidents around the world exercise their priesthood keys as they receive revelation and direct the work of their quorum. [MUSIC PLAYING]


The Keys of the Priesthood

Aaronic Priesthood - The Keys of the Priesthood

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