The priesthood is a class, where you learn the doctrines of the kingdom, where you're taught by those authorized to teach the great doctrines. Then it's a great brotherhood, probably the greatest brotherhood there is on earth. When we belong to a brotherhood in the priesthood, it should be a greater relationship than anything else, other than our own individual families, as we associate with others. So it's a brotherhood, and then, of course, it's a service organization, where we give ourselves to make other things better.
That's right. And the Aaronic Priesthood is just by covenant. Aaronic Priesthood is the lesser priesthood. It's a preparatory priesthood. Therefore the Lord did not want to put the same feeling and power behind it, is my feeling, that he would the Melchizdek Priesthood, because, in the Aaronic Priesthood, they're growing towards the Melchizdek Priesthood, which is the greater priesthood.
They're vital. From the time a young man is ordained a deacon, a teacher, and a priest, and then into the Melchizdek Priesthood, he belongs to a quorum. And a quorum is just that close brotherhood that exists. I belong to a quorum. It's very special quorum. It's made up of all the different types of occupations and professions you can think of, but when they're at a quorum together, you're united in purpose. Because in a quorum, you agree, unanimously, on the course that you will follow. And it will be in accordance with the Lord's will. Unless you have that complete agreement, by other members of the quorum, you do not proceed. Think of how that protects you through life, to be certain you have that closeness, and that unity, and consistency that comes through an order of the priesthood.
First of all, I ought to know who they are. Every quorum leader ought to have a list of the members of his quorum. And he should be conscious of those who are having a little trouble in finding the way that they should be living. And then, when he has that, if there are a number of them, he should prioritize those that he feels have the greatest urgency. And then he should go out and start visiting them and making them a friend, and an associate of the quorum in a way that would draw them back into the fellowship.
A priesthood quorum has that responsibility to proclaim, to redeem, and perfect. All three necessary, and endure to the end, I better say now, because we've added that to our requirement. That's part of priesthood duty and responsibility. And every quorum should be considering that as part of their service obligation in our Father in Heaven's kingdom.
Of course, the Melchizedek Priesthood is the one that is adviser to the young men in their particular quorums. And they'll help teach them the principles of quorum organization. And they should be very conscious of the continual role of understanding a priesthood quorum and teaching them the service that goes along with it. That really is the uniting effect of bringing them together in a common bond. I had an example, last weekend. Of going to a-- we don't call them, mission farewells anymore, we call them sacrament meetings-- but a young man was going on a mission. And in the course of his talk, he explained how he and four of his friends had started in the deacons quorum together. And the support that they gave each other now has all the five of them on their way of fulfilling full-time missions, because there was that internal support and friendship that helped them through all of the challenges of life as they moved forward.
Of course. One of the great reasons in the world to have them go together. I went with my son, when he was a teacher in the Aaronic Priesthood. One of the great experiences of my life, to go out with him on a home teaching assignment. And it was a continual teaching process.
Well, I think, the three are so essential to the development of any individual on earth. We all know, coming here for our mortal probation, that the world has a lot of challenges. Unless we have support to help us in our roles, as we proceed through life, I think we'll find ourselves without a firm plan, a firm direction, a firm road map to lead and guide and direct us. I think a quorum helps us form that road map that will lead us back to the presence of our Father in Heaven. It's an essential part of our existence here on earth.