
Much of the world anticipates big results quickly, but the Lord builds a sure foundation and incrementally builds upon that foundation line upon line. It is in the consistency of simple witnesses by the power of the Holy Ghost that I know that Jesus is the Christ. The keys can bring an assurance, a peace, a comfort, a direction. And so it's always a matter of looking for the one while we're in the process of accomplishing all of these things that we're scheduled to do. The keys of the kingdom were sent here to find a one. You don't talk to a congregation. You talk to assembled ones. We've had the opportunity to visit with all of the stake presidencies and bishops, and, to the degree that they focus on the doctrine of Christ, then they're able to find the answers to address the perplexing problems of the day. The priesthood is permission to act in the name of Jesus Christ and to do so with His direction and approval. If we go back to the early days of the Restoration, there were many converts in England. That pace is not the same now. It's slower. But you see in so many of these areas where the missionaries are laboring with the help of the members line upon line, converts continue. They're being retained. So there's steady growth even though it's not dramatic in numbers all at once. The Lord will assist people in developing the leadership necessary for the Church to continue to grow. The agency we are afforded through the Atonement of Christ makes us agents who can act. This is the Church of Jesus Christ, and the doctrine always provides the answers. And these brethren are using the spiritual gifts with which they've been blessed to seek those answers in the doctrine and then help the members to learn those doctrines so that they can address the challenges in their lives. The only thing you want to do as a holder of the priesthood is help people come closer to Christ. So to see these good people pressing forward with the steadfastness in faith, strengthens my faith. I've learned a great lesson by seeing so many people of different cultures, different skin colors, different languages. We tend to think that those are differences, but the more I meet people all over the world, the more I come to understand that we're all really basically the same. The Atonement of the Savior blesses us not only with remission of sin, but strength to do good and become better. And a part of what we need to do as priesthood leaders is let them act. That's not abdicate. It's not just totally pull away. But teach the correct principles, repeat, repeat, repeat, and then let people act, so that they can govern themselves. That always works.

Elder Bednar Ministers to European Saints

Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles teaches Saints in Germany, Denmark, and England.

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