
In Germany, in Denmark, in England, all of these cities, the questions are never the same. But they're focused on the same basic issues. How do I strengthen my faith in the Savior?

Brothers and sisters, good morning. What a blessing it is for me to be here with you. The ministry of a member of the Twelve is always to find individuals. I want to begin today by commending Lauren and Jesse. They had no advance notice that they would be called on to bear testimony here today. As I come to an area review, my question to the members of the Area Presidency is, how can we best help you? We tend to want to think about, we're going to give a talk and it's going to-- no, it's not. Just get one, who will go get one, who will go get one, who will go get one? Then when we're in an area for a priesthood leadership conference, we can have an associated special stake meeting so that we also have the opportunity to be with some of the members. I bring to you the love and the blessings of President Thomas S. Monson-- [SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] His counselors in the First Presidency-- [SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] And all of my associates in the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. I think one thing that's very much needed everywhere in the world is just the fundamental principle that we are agents who act, not objects that are acted upon. Tonight what we've done is tried to respond with doctrines and principles, and we have invited you to act so that you can govern yourself. That principle makes no sense unless it's linked to the Atonement, because it's the Atonement of Christ that makes our agency possible. So the journey of life is to go from a natural, fallen state. Stop doing bad things. Do good things. Do good things consistently better through the Atonement of Christ so that our very nature is changed. For me, as I travel the earth, I'm always looking for the ones the Lord sent me to find. My heart just yearns to be of assistance to these people in some way. And there's nothing I can do to assist them, but the office I hold can bless them, and the keys can, with those spiritual gifts. I think these people encounter very typical and common challenges, and the basics of the gospel provide them light and hope and answers in all of these nations that we've visited. And that's the answer here and everywhere in the world.

Elder Bednar Visits Members in Europe

During the first part of September, Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles met with Saints in England, Germany, and Denmark.

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