
As a reader, I get to decide what I’m going to do with Joseph Smith’s journals. I can curl up in my easy chair with a copy of the journals and just read through the journal and gain quite a lot.

I can look down at footnotes to help me as a reader with things I might not understand.

And then there's something that's less intrusive called the reference material.

I get to be kind of an armchair explorer with the reference material. I can figure out what's going on with obscure things, with important things.

I can figure out what happened with

a little place where Joseph Smith stayed at a tavern.

I can see the very impressive decision of Judge Daniel Pope,

and I can find out the the workings of the Nauvoo organizations, the Church organization,

the city organization, the Nauvoo Legion.

I can putter around figuring out what made things tick.

I enjoyed this.

Reference Materials To Learn More About Joseph Smith

Historian Richard Jensen talks about how to use the reference materials found in Journals, Volume 2.

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