
What do you think of Temple Square, Monson? Umm. Hmm. As I walked on to Temple Square today and saw the trees and the flowers, it made me think of all that our Heavenly Father has created for us in nature and the beauty that it provides. But also knowing that these structures provide a place where we can learn and grow and know more of the gospel and have our testimony strengthened. What's your favorite part of Temple Square? Um, um. I find it a wonderful place for contemplation. I'm not the most spiritual person in the world but yet, a certain type of peace, I know, settled upon me. Detmer, what's your favorite part of Temple Square? Temple and Moroni. The feeling that you can get from being here is so much more meaningful. I mean, I'm 22 and I walked on, and the first thing I thought of was I want to get married here. As soon as you get inside the walls it's quiet. It's more peaceful, and you can feel that something's different here. What do you like at Temple Square? Um. Um.

I wasn't sure what to expect. I just saw it online and was told by a trip adviser that it was one of the great sites in Utah. So I decided that I'd walk by and really pleasantly surprised. I've been driving cross-country and this has been one of the nicest stops so far. I saw Jesus. Did you? Where is He? He's over there? OK. It's not something that only Mormons would feel because just the look of everything makes you feel happy. It is a garden. It is an Eden and it is spiritual and contemplative.

The Spirit on Temple Square

Visitors to Temple Square talk about the feelings and impressions they get from being on the temple grounds.

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