
To be here on a set and all believe what we're doing and in what we are doing and the purpose of what we're doing it, the reason we're doing it, it's amazing. It's a beautiful set, very good people to work with, and I was so impressed at the reverence on the set. So many people here just have an understanding and appreciation for the stories that are being told. And everybody's very keyed in and aware of what's going on. And it was a fantastic experience for sure. I really like it. It's really cool. It's unlike anything I've played before because yes, I am dead, and then I wake up. So I think I have more of an understanding of the scriptures and like all of Christ's miracles and all of these gospel stories. Because once you actually study them, they make sense. And it's not-- because the scriptures can sometimes be like a foreign language, but once, like for this movie, we actually took the time to think it out and to study them. And once you actually do that, they make sense, and they have such great messages that we can learn from. You spend a lot of nights memorizing lines and hoping that you'll remember. And you read what you can about it, as much as you can about it. You have to imagine that you are that character. And it's easy when you kind of are. You're a widow. You're in your 90s, and you just have the part. In some small way I guess we who are, as they politely call us, background players, have given the widow's mite, because we come down with no hope or expectation of any reward, except what we carry away with us. And that will affect me for a long, long time, hopefully forever. We get to sit here in the set. It was completely inspired by revelation, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Goshen Behind the Scenes

In Goshen, Utah, a replica movie set of Jerusalem is giving actors the chance to experience biblical stories from Christ’s time.

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