
In 1967, the basement, which was just a dirt area underneath the Tabernacle, was excavated. And it was excavated to create greater facility for broadcast equipment. And while doing that, they added other things, and one of them was a place where interpreters, or translation services, could have the people that would listen to the talks going on upstairs during general conference and do a live interpretation translation for people upstairs that had headphones on. And they first located those people down there in that excavation. And it was just a few booths, and then more added, and more were added, and soon it was completely jammed. And now, of course today, with the Conference Center and the facilities here, we've got hundreds of facilities for that. And that's been indicative of the entire technologically-driven aspect of getting the Church message out.

There are many things that a speaker will say that are culturally bound and aren't understandable. If a speaker gets up and starts talking about baseball or American football, for instance, it requires more explanation on our part to be able to find an explanatory equivalent of what's happening in the story that's being told.

I'm doing a service to somebody who might not have the opportunity to hear that leader and his words. And that is very edifying, to hear our leaders' testimonies, their experiences. We are able to take the words of our leaders, their voice, to many hundreds of people, many more than we have in the past. I know there have been many times when I did not have a text, but I rendered a good interpretation and it was because it was so important for our listeners to receive the information that I was helped in order to convey the message to them. And that's a very humbling experience. The simultaneous is the most difficult because it depends a lot on the speed of the speaker. And when we have training, we will be presented a speaker, and how many words he speaks per minute, and that helps us base our interpretation. Because the ideal interpretation, the ideal performance, is to keep three words behind the speaker.

General Conference Interpretation 50 Years

The church's interpretation department has come a long way since their small beginnings.

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