
My beloved brothers and sisters, good morning. We've got Latter-day Saint chapels. We have a stake here in Nairobi. We have a stake conference today. It was a thrill to meet with the people. More than a 1,000 people gathered. So reverent. Beautiful choir. Excellent stake presidency. The patriarch on the stand. How can I express my joy when I see such progress? I would like for you to read the scriptures to your children. Help every one of these precious children to memorize the sound of their father's voice reading the scriptures to them. The future is in the hands of your young people. And so I'd like to get better acquainted with them for a minute. Children, would you be willing to sing one verse for me of "I Am a Child of God"? [MUSIC PLAYING] I am a child of God, And he has sent me here, Has given me an earthly home With parents kind and dear. Lead me, guide me, walk beside me, Help me find the way. Teach me all that I must do To live with him someday.

You know, I'm going to see President Monson on Tuesday. He and I have an appointment. And I'm going to tell him that you sang that song.

And he'll be so happy. I have felt the Spirit. And I know it has given me that testimony that really the Savior lives together with our Heavenly Father. And seeing an Apostle of the Lord is just awesome for me and my family. Even now, we shall endeavor to teach our children about the word of God and everything that he said was just wonderful. It's very important that the keys of administration for the Church, the apostolic keys, come to the people. I woke up early. I knew I might walk a long way, because the roads were going to be closed down. So I woke early, and I was here, waiting for him to come and talk to us. And it was really great. You're energized by the people. You're energized by the Lord, who blesses us, and by the prayers of our families and by the prayers of the people who pray for President Monson and for those who support and sustain him. Those prayers do sustain us. They keep us well. The keep us safe. And we're able to do the Lord's work.

Elder Nelson Visits Kenya

Elder Nelson teaches that if families will follow the example and teachings of the Savior of the world, they are more likely to be happy, successful, and people of integrity.

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