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(SINGING) I love to see the temple. I'm going there some day.
The temple truly is a beautiful place, a place of love and beauty. My name is Jean Stevens. I'm the first counselor in the Primary general presidency, and I love the temple too. It is such a beautiful place and a place where we can feel the Lord's Spirit.
Hi. My name is Kate, and I'm from Logan, Utah. I turn 12 in five months. Heavenly Father has commanded His prophets throughout the ages to build temples. Moses had a kind of portable temple called a tabernacle. Solomon built a temple in Jerusalem. And the Nephites had a temple when they came to the promised land. Not long after the Church was organized, Joseph Smith was commanded to build the Kirtland Temple and then the Nauvoo Temple. And when the Saints came to Salt Lake City, the Lord commanded them to build a temple, too. I think it's interesting because they chiseled it out by hand. I noticed something that I hadn't noticed before. There was tons of different shapes. On the doorknob, there was a beehive on it. It said "1853 to 1893." I asked them, and they told me it was how long it took them to build it. I want to go to the temple and do baptisms for the dead. That will be fun. When you're 12 years old, you'll be able to go to the bishop, and he'll ask you questions about your worthiness. He'll talk to you about your desire to go to the temple and also about those things that you are doing to prepare. Things people can do in the temple is, they can do baptisms for the dead, and people can get sealed. There are some important things that you can do to prepare to go to the temple. You can prepare now by making and keeping your baptismal covenants. You can also live "My Gospel Standards," which are found on the back of the Faith in God guidebook. By wearing modest clothing, by keeping your body pure as you avoid things that are harmful to you, and by choosing appropriate music and other media, you are beginning to establish habits of worthiness necessary to enter the temple. The temple is a holy place where you will be able to feel Heavenly Father's love and His Spirit in a special way. Some of the ways I can prepare to go to the temple is, be clean and do righteous things, and be nice to our bodies because our body is a temple. Kate had a wonderful time as she was able to go to the Salt Lake Temple and see the outside. I hope you will prepare yourself so you will be able to go inside of the temple to feel Heavenly Father's Spirit and know of His love for you.
(SINGING) This is my sacred duty.