undefined undefined Salt Lake Tabernacle

[MUSIC PLAYING] My name is Matthew, and I am nine years old. Today I went to an organ recital in the Tabernacle.

This beautiful, big room holds about 4,000 people. When you drop a pin at the podium, people sitting everywhere can hear. I will drop a single nail. [CLATTER] The pioneers didn't have oak to build the benches, so they painted the wood with feathers to make it look like oak. The organ has five keyboards and lots of pedals. It has more than 11,623 pipes. The largest ones were made of pine trees painted gold to look like metal. The small pipes sound like little flutes, and some big pipes really rumble. [RUMBLING] I went into the pipe chamber. They had big, big pipes. This is the biggest pipe in the whole organ right here. It's about 34 feet tall. Wow, that's tall. I got to put my hand into one of the pipes, and air blew on it. Go. [RUMBLING] Does it make any sound out there? Yeah, it makes a low rumble. It's almost as loud as what you hear here. Where's the button? It's right underneath here. I don't know if you can reach it, but it makes the top go down. And that pulls on that string there and opens a little door there, a little gate, and lets the wind come in. Just reach until you feel something that feels like a-- [RUMBLING] There you go. He's got it. You got long fingers. [ORGAN MUSIC] There is an organ recital every day. Today Brother Richard Elliott played the organ at the recital. Brother Elliott even played "Popcorn Popping." My name is Richard Elliott, and I'm the principal organist for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. My job is accompanying the Mormon Tabernacle Choir at general conference; on their TV program, radio program, Music and the Spoken Word; when they make recordings. I'm here and play with the orchestra, with the choir, and travel with them when they go on tour. And one of the best parts of our job is playing the Tabernacle organ throughout the week for the people that come to visit the Tabernacle.

I also got to play. He showed me what all the buttons meant. [ORGAN MUSIC]

That's everybody's favorite. Especially when--the first time you play this organ, or any organ, you always go for that, the biggest sound. I love the organ. And it's fun playing it. It was a great recital. [ORGAN MUSIC]

Salt Lake Tabernacle

Year on Temple Square - Salt Lake Tabernacle