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My grandma has done lots of family history research for our family. I wanted to do some family history work too. So I went to the Family History Library to see what I could find out about my ancestors. When I walked in, I saw a big painting. It's called The Eternal Family through Christ. It shows prophets like Elijah and Joseph Smith and a lot of other people wearing different kinds of clothing. When I went to the library, I told a missionary named Sister Anderson about my great-great-great-grandma. Her name was Marie, and she was the first person to join the Church on my mom's side of the family. Sister Anderson helped me to find out more about her on the computer. I learned some really neat things about Marie. I saw a copy of her name that was written down in a book when she got married. It's hard to read that handwriting. I also saw a map of where she lived in Norway when she joined the Church. My grandma also told me about two other people in our family that had never gone to the temple while they were alive. At the library, I looked up their names on the computer. Then I wrote down all the dates I found. Now my grandma will be able to take their names to do all the ordinances in the temple for them. Then Brother Bingham showed me the computer lab. People can volunteer to help with family history work. People sit and look at names and information that was written a long time ago. Sometimes the handwriting is hard to see. Then they type what they see so it's easier for other people to read when they research a name. It's called indexing, and it was fun. Brother Bingham said I can do indexing on my own computer at home. I liked looking at the big relationship chart on the wall. I saw that President Hinckley, the Wright brothers, and Shirley Temple are all related. Brother Bingham showed me all kinds of pedigree charts. I liked visiting the Family History Library. I learned that even though I don't know as much as my grandma does, I can help with family history research too.