
[MUSIC PLAYING] Elder Nelson once said, "Strength comes to an ordinary person when given an extraordinary calling." We are given an extraordinary calling, and we are here on earth for Heavenly Father to use. My name is Darcie Alleman. I'm a Laurel in the Meadows Ward, and I know the Savior lives. I know that He loves me and I'm a daughter of God, and so in anything that I can help Him in, I'll be there for Him. And if that's smiling to someone, I enjoy smiling. I want people to be happy. And I want people to feel the same things that I do and to make them feel like Heavenly Father's there for them. My name is Steve Sheiler, and I am Darcie Alleman's yearbook teacher for the last two years. Darcie is one of those kids that you can always depend on to do the right thing. When we're an example of the Savior and live a Christlike life, others come to know the Savior through our actions and through who we are. I think Darcie reflects the light of Jesus very, very well. She's special to us, but she's an ordinary youth in the Church. She works hard to learn the gospel, and I think that's brought her closer to the Savior and helps her be prepared for the things that He would call on her for. It's so important to prepare before, just in case Heavenly Father needs you and He uses you as His servant, because it's not easy gaining a testimony. You have to seek it out yourself. And you have to read the scriptures, and you have to pray and go to your meetings, and it's not always easy to do those things. When I say my prayers, at night and in the mornings before I go to school, I know that I'm prepared and on the same page as my Heavenly Father to share the gospel or to help someone in need. I think that those little things every day, Darcie does because she has a testimony. There was a stake dance that we had that--they started the dance, and some of the music, I guess, that they had chosen or were playing wasn't appropriate. And so they had to stop the music, and they didn't want to end the dance. And so Darcie volunteered to go get her MP3 player. I think it all starts of what I was taught. I was taught to have clean music and to have good standards. So I was already preparing on my music, what I listen to every day, to have clean music. She was prepared. Her iPod was loaded with appropriate music that we were able to use for a dance. If I wanted to share the gospel, it was what I learned at seminary that day, or it was what I learned in my Laurel class. Sometimes it's just like, "Hey, I heard this," or "I watched this show." I was like, "Wow, that was very interesting." And so naturally, you go to somebody that's in the LDS Church, and when you talk to her about being a Mormon or going to the LDS Church, she's very good at transferring her belief system into words so that other people don't feel intimidated or standoffish, so that she reflects the welcoming nature of Jesus. Like I said, Darcie is always prepared. You can be prepared by speaking clearly and speaking with good language so if someone needed to call on you to give a talk in church, they knew that they could call on you. If the youth out there can understand that all they need to do is brighten the little corner where they are--decide that they're going to activate all of their deacons quorum, or just if they can set one goal that would help them become a better person--then Heavenly Father's way excited about that. He wants to see them improve so that they will be a useful tool in His hand. I want Him to use me. I want to be an example to other people. He's right there, ready to bless me with things that I need to be a servant for Him. If you feel the need to smile to someone, do it. If you feel the need to open up your scriptures, open up your scriptures. If you want something to be changed, you have to do it. That's the Spirit telling you that you need to do that. If you want to set aside Monday night and want to be with your family, then come up with a lesson. Ask Him to help you, and He will. I just always want to be prepared. You just have to rise and shine forth and shine your light that everyone has. You just have to find it, and Christ wants you to find it. And Christ needs you to find it so you can show the world His light and help Him. [MUSIC PLAYING]

An Instrument in His Hands

By doing small and simple things, a young woman prepares herself to respond to any prompting to bless others.

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