
[MUSIC PLAYING] -I started out in Scouting when I was eight, like everyone else. -You know, ever since Sean was a young kid, as a Cub Scout, Tim and Randall and Ty and Joey and all the neighborhood boys in that age group, they just treated him like one of the others. There was no special treatment; it was just, "He's one of the guys." -We were friends with him the same as everybody else. But he just wasn't a member of the Church, and we didn't try to force it on him or anything like that. -We were just friends. And that's how it was. -Sean, right after he turned 16, went on a pioneer trek that the stake put on. -It was a lot of fun. And we pushed our carts the first four miles, and then we had a fireside, and that's when everyone started bearing their testimonies. And I felt the Spirit throughout that whole thing. -He felt the Spirit during the testimony from the other kids in the stake. Their testimonies bore witness of the Holy Ghost. -And afterwards I walked up to Bishop Wright, and I asked him, "How would I go about getting baptized?" -Sean had the lessons at my house with me and my family and the missionaries. -Since I knew that my friends were there answering questions with me and helping me through the lesson, it made me feel loved. -I baptized Sean, and it was really a great experience for both of us. -Sean was baptized by Randall, and Tim was able to give him the priesthood. All the boys were able to assist in the ordination. -They felt an immense love for him. And also they were able to see that and remember that they also have the priesthood. -It was another example of the boys having to be worthy in order to perform this ordinance. It had meant a lot to not only Sean, but also to all the young men that participated in that. -He's a great priesthood holder, and he's used that power to bless the lives of other people. And I'm grateful that I had that opportunity to ordain him to that office. -I know that was one of the greatest things. And I started doing things that I think would be more Christlike. I do things that invite the Spirit in instead of drive it away. I'm blessed to be able to come up here and bless the sacrament. It just has built my testimony so much more to see. -One thing that's amazed me about our work in the Church is that the Lord entrusts young men to carry out the sacrament. And our young men, for those few brief moments each Sunday, realize that. And that's an amazing thing for me to witness: a young man being serious about his calling in the Church. -We have standards as members of the Church. And living those standards exactly--that was our role as a quorum, to show him how we lived, and he picked up on it. -The happiness that my friends wanted for me is loving my Savior and knowing that He has a plan for us. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Quorum Brotherhood

A quorum rallies around a young man who attended scouting activities for years. With their help, he comes to a knowledge of the truthfulness of the restored gospel, and is ordained to the Aaronic priesthood.

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