
Spiritually, they are steadfast. I'm Hayden. And I'm Kyle. We're twins. I noticed that they were natural leaders, not only on the football field but also in their priesthood quorums.

We make our choices based upon what we've learned of Jesus Christ and His example. They've got their armor set up to be able to conquer whatever comes. The big thing for me is prayer. Prayer is an amazing thing. If you talk to Heavenly Father more, you make better decisions because you know He's there in your life. You know He's there watching you. And that's amazing for me. Duty to God helps me learn the different attributes that are Christlike and how I can be more like Jesus Christ. I think it was about four months ago, I challenged myself to read the scriptures and pray every single night. And I'm happy to say that for four months straight now, I've read the scriptures and said prayers every single night. And you know, it's tough coming back in really late from a football game. And I come home and sit there and read a chapter--maybe it's only a chapter a night--and then say a prayer because I love talking to my Heavenly Father. That's a big thing for me. I love it. Any time I need help, any time I just want to thank Him for something I have, He's there for me. He's always there for me, and I love Him so very much.

Hayden, I think, shared one of the most profound things I've heard recently. He was able to recall when he was a deacon and he was new in Young Men's and how it made him feel to have the older mentors in the priests quorum reach out to him and to make him feel welcomed into the Young Men's organization, to feel comfortable and to gain self-esteem and to feel loved. And they really understand this quorum that they're in, and they understand the power of it. They understand the value of it. They understand the strength that they draw from it. And he was able to share with all of his fellow young men about how important it was for them to now extend that welcoming hand to all of the youth and all of the deacons as they joined Young Men's. Being able to come into teachers quorum or their other priesthood meetings and relay the things that they've learned and the people that they've been able to help. We're setting up the sacrament. I know Hayden always makes sure, and Kyle, that they're there half an hour early, before, so that we can get the sacrament prepared in a timely manner. And then they make sure that all of the deacons and the teachers are sitting where they need to be sitting for their assignments and their routes. They're all in their places five minutes before sacraments starts so they can be an example to the ward of reverence. I'm preparing the sacrament for all these people in the ward, and I'm just thinking, "I've got to be worthy to be able do this." It gives me another reason to want to do well, so I can serve all these people in this way and fulfill my calling. And be able to perform that sacred ordinance and know that we're helping so many people out there and doing something that they all really need. It's such a blessing that I know that I have the gospel and I know the truth of all these things. We know what's right, and we know that what we're doing is right. That's why I'm so excited to serve my mission. I can spread the gospel, and I can make other people feel the way I feel right now. And I'm so grateful for that.

Strengthen Thy Brethren

As two brothers seek to strengthen their own conversion to the gospel of Jesus Christ, they find that they begin to have an effect on those around them.

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