
[MUSIC PLAYING] "We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men." You know, I really like that word being. We believe in being. It's about who we are. It's not just a behavior. That's who we are at all times and in all circumstances. "We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous," and that's 24/7. "We believe all things." "We hope all things." "We have endured many things, and--" "--hope to be able to endure all things." [SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] A believer? Like, to know that everything is true. Like, to believe, you can't think twice. It's just believing. I think that if you're a true believer, if you're being a believer, then you are not only believing; but to be a believer, it's like an action word. And you're doing the things that you believe, and you're following the principles that you believe in. [SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] "If there is anything virtuous--" "--lovely--" "--or of good report--" "--or praiseworthy--" "--we seek after these things." "--we seek after these things." "--we seek after these things." Why do we have to seek after these things, and why would we want to seek after these things? I think if you're not seeking after those things, then what are you seeking after? You want to get back to where you first started, so you seek for those things. I think in seeking for those things, you're seeking for, like, an eternal life with God. And those things allow you to be with God forever. If you're a believer, then you do everything you can to show your faith. You bear your testimony. You go to the temple. You do everything you can to be able to share your faith with others. To be a believer is to stand up when it's hard to do the right thing. [SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] I can't see God, our Heavenly Father, but I do--I believe in Him. [MUSIC PLAYING]

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